Dear Readers,
The one person whom you can trust, that one person who you should take utmost care of, that one person with whom you should be having the toughest competition and that one person with whom you can have a deep down understanding is You, You and only You.
It is well said that if you want to understand a person completely, you must spend some time with him. SO, if you want to understand the best person on this mother earth, i.e, if you want to understand yourself, then you must spend some quality time with yourself. Sit with yourself, have some quality time with your inner self; engulf yourself completely and listen your inner voice- do meditation and introspect yourself.
Believe in yourself. You are the one who have been send on this earth to accomplish a certain task. Everyone comes and go, death is very uncertain: it can come to anybody, anytime, anywhere. Till then, whenever you have some time, do something that will make a difference to the life of others. If you are a businessman, see how many times your clients are happy just because of you; if you are an employee, see what difference you have made to the life of others whom you served, or if you are a teacher, see how many lives are changed by your teachings.
Have faith and belief in yourself, you are here with a certain level of uniqueness and strength. Find your passion, find that unique proposition of yourself which can change your life and those surrounded by you. Yes!! You Can ..Yes!! You Can .. Just have faith .. Just Believe in Yourself !!
Motivator Dr. Shekhar Kapoor