Dear friends,
In this article, you’ll find some of the larger than life lessons learnt from the life of the great Martin Luther King. So, here we go.
Everyone’s Involvement:
This is the necessary trait to establish oneself as great leader. Sir Martin Luther King inspired the community involvement in the Civil Rights Movement, and it worked partly because people wanted to be part of something bigger than themselves. Usually, it is observed that in a small business, people really perform better when they feel like they are a part of something special. Sir Martin Luther King used to say that the people derive inspiration from involvement, so the lesson is to get your people involved. Teamwork is the key to success.
Encouraged the term of Creative Tension:
Every time Sir Martin Luther King visited a new city to spread his message, various community leaders would blame him for disturbing the norm. But to him, that was the point of creating something new. He used to coin the word ‘creative tension’ to explain that fairness and change come only when you shake things up. Today’s small business owners can also use this lesson within their own organizations by encouraging new ideas and refrain from the internal criticism from employees.
Know the Purpose:
One of the biggest leadership lesson that translates to any business is to make sure that the whole team knows that what are they doing and why are they doing it. It isn’t just to make a profit, it is knowing your purpose, cause and belief.
Instead of giving an ‘I Have a Plan’ speech, Sir Martin Luther King King gave his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. He recommends that the small business owners use this fact to talk to their employees about what they believe, the real reason for starting their business and whom the business is going to affect. By doing this, the entrepreneurs can inspire those that are working and living around them. Such was the leadership strategies of Sir Martin Luther King.
That’s all for the short training and soft skills capsule for today. My dear readers and leaders, get inspired to inspire others, just like Sir Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi or any other visionary that we see in our short span of life, probably around 80-90 years. If you like this article, do share your feedback to the undersigned. I value all your feedback.
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Motivator Dr. Shekhar Kapoor