Dear Friends,
Many-a-times you must have come across in your lives with some people who possess different attitudes altogether. Some people whom you meet in your life, are next to the complaint box. I call them Complaint-box type attitude persons. If they are sad at times, and you go and ask them, “Hey! What’s wrong. What happened?” They’ll say “Leave it, don’t ask…”. They actually say this because they want you to ask about their problem.
On a lighter note, and no offence to anyone, when you ask them their problem, they’ll narrate the whole story at once go, and keep on going with their whole story, complaining about various persons unknown of the fact whether you are interested in hearing to them or not.. Dear Readers, I am sure you might have come across such people. Hey, Have You?
The other type of attitude which some people possess is what I would call as Dr. Do-Little Attitude. These are highly pessimist people, highly drenched with negativity all around them. That’s why I call them as Dr, short for drenched. And when you’ll meet these fully drenched with negative attitude and a negative aura around them, you will feel like doing little work than what your actual capability is. So, beware of these Dr- Do-little kind of attitude people, as they will make you feel down, most of the time you meet them.
The next and the last category, which I am going to discuss are the Happy-go-Lucky attitudes. They have a contagious superbly superb and perfectly perfect attitude. These are the persons when you meet them, they are full of energy. Every particle, we know consists of molecules, which consists further of atoms, and atoms have energy residing in them. So, when you meet these Happy-go-lucky persons, and ask them, “Hey! How Are You?” They’ll promptly and cheerfully reply,” Fantabulous, Perfect, Superb, and so and so forth, the superlative degrees of their adjectives. They will give you great positive vibes, and you too will feel like being positive and happy.
So, my dear readers and leaders, its better if we keep the third type of attitude in our life. Be happy, be awesome, be superb and be rocking in your life. Because, the world is not as it is, the world is actually, how you see it. Wear a positive spectacle, and you’ll see all positivity around you. And wear a negative spectacle, you’ll see completely dark everywhere.
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Motivator Dr. Shekhar Kapoor